Bradley Schools > About Us > Admissions
School Admissions
Students are referred to the Bradley School by their local special education department. A referral packet is sent to Bradley, including an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and evaluations that have been completed on the student, as well as any other relevant records. The clinical director reviews and recommends which Bradley School can best meet student needs. Referrals to an alternative location might be made if there is not room in a classroom at a student’s age range, or if there is not a match in terms of academic and/or social/behavioral needs.
The parent and student are invited in for an intake meeting, along with their school department representatives. They meet with a clinician and/or several team members, and the referral concerns are reviewed. The family and student are able to learn about the school, and the particular classroom where the student would be assigned. Families are not always able to visit a classroom, depending upon classroom or school activities at the time of the intake, or if there are concerns regarding maintaining confidentiality for our students.
At that meeting, the team reviews whether updated evaluations are indicated during the diagnostic period. The family and clinician also review school policies and procedures, and complete consent forms relevant to the student’s placement at the school. The school nurse may meet with the family as well, to review any medical concerns or needs at school.
Following the meeting, if all are in agreement with the placement, a start date is scheduled for the student.
Lifespan School Solutions admits students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at its schools. Lifespan School Solutions does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, referral and admission policies, and other school-administered programs.